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Guaranteed ITA Scores Removed

Mercan Canada Employment Philippines. Inc.


Guaranteed ITA Scores Removed

As of February 19, 2020, there will no longer be BC PNP guaranteed invitation scores.

We introduced the Skills Immigration Registration System (SIRS) in 2016. This is a points-based system that enables the Province to periodically invite the highest scoring registrants to apply while maintaining 2-3 month processing times. In the past, a guaranteed invitation score for each category was posted (subject to change) to illustrate the minimum points that an individual would need to be guaranteed an invitation to apply. The points were based on a sampling of pre-2016 BC PNP applications.

Since 2016, we have posted the scores for each draw. Applicants are able to view current and historical invitation to apply scores on our website which we will continue to update.

We encourage you to check our website often for program updates.