DMW warns public vs ‘Final Notice and Limited Slots for Deployment’ scam

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Mercan Canada Employment Philippines. Inc.

Employment-Based Immigration: Third Preference EB-3

You may be eligible for this immigrant visa preference category if you are a skilled worker, professional, or other worker. “Skilled workers” are persons whose job requires a minimum of 2 years training or work experience, not of a temporary or seasonal nature “Professionals” are persons whose job requires at least a U.S. baccalaureate degree…
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Canada makes it easier for foreign nationals to apply for temporary and permanent resident status within Canada

People can now give their fingerprints and photo right here in Canada December 3, 2019 – Ottawa – Building on a government commitment made earlier this year, Canada is rolling out the final phase of its biometrics collection program. As of today, foreign nationals applying from within Canada for temporary or permanent residence, or to…
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Special Citizenship Ceremony at Pier 21 attended by Minister Mendicino

Today, many immigrants, including a well-known Antigonish business owner, realized their dreams of Canadian citizenship January 15, 2020—Halifax, Nova Scotia Fifty immigrants from 14 countries became Canadian citizens at a special ceremony held today at Pier 21 in Halifax, Nova Scotia. The Honourable Marco E.L. Mendicino, P.C., M.P., Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, delivered…
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