DMW warns public vs ‘Final Notice and Limited Slots for Deployment’ scam

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Mercan Canada Employment Philippines. Inc.

Proof of funds – Skilled immigrants (Express Entry)

We’ve updated the table that shows how much money you need to settle in Canada. To stay eligible, you may need to update your settlement fund numbers in your Express Entry profile. The update must be done no later than February 25, 2020. Updating your profile doesn’t change the date and time that we received…
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Guaranteed ITA Scores Removed

  Guaranteed ITA Scores Removed As of February 19, 2020, there will no longer be BC PNP guaranteed invitation scores. We introduced the Skills Immigration Registration System (SIRS) in 2016. This is a points-based system that enables the Province to periodically invite the highest scoring registrants to apply while maintaining 2-3 month processing times. In…
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Learning moments – Experience under the Federal Skilled Worker program

Brought to you week by week by Chantal Desloges and her fabulous team.   Hello fellow practitioners. Today’s column deals with the required work experience under the Federal Skilled Worker program.   Reader’s question I have a question about the Federal Skilled Worker program and my client’s eligibility. He has multiple short term work experiences…
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Learning moments – Misrepresentation under A40 – once again

Brought to you week by week by Chantal Desloges and her fabulous team.   Hello, fellow practitioners! Today’s question deals with past findings of misrepresentation under s.40 of IRPA.   Question   We filed an economic class (AINP) application for a client, Mrs. A. While the application was ongoing, she got married and added her spouse,…
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